I am particularly fond of a pink, blue, and purple palette, accented with yellow and white. The thing is, I love flowers, so that makes me susceptible to any pretty little thing in bloom. I have Bee Balm that is a glorious red and a Lupine that is terracotta. These iris are ones my mother bought from a man who was selling them road side. Irises are funny, because they bloom for such a short period and melt in the sun or rain. I had some pink ones with brown centers planted by a wall, but they would bend over the wall and look terrible in no time flat. I hoiked them out last weekend. I usually transplant, however when plants fail to please me year after year, out they go to the compost pile. My yard seems big to me, but it is only about an acre. Still, that is way too much to keep neat and tidy. Our borders are laced with bushes and trees, and on one side is a steep drop to a white pine stand. There are various spots where my husband has created paths that lead deeper into the woods. They always look a little mysterious to me, even though I know where they lead. I once read an article that showed what happened to a well maintained and manicured garden that was left unattended for just three years. Nature had taken over and it was hardly identifiable. I wish nature would slow down a bit so that we could catch up. This morning my husband reported that there was feasting in the back 40 last night. We have been successful in keeping the nibblers at bay, but the garden obviously needs another spray with deer repellent. A fantastic one, Deer Stopper, smells lovely, works well and only needs to be applied monthly. That is the one I use in the front of the house. My husband uses Deer Solution in the back. We have been running our own trials, to see which works better. I am in the lead, because I have a system. I apply it at the beginning of the month, so I don't forget. It is the same system I use for remembering to give Lacey her Heartguard. Looks like I better give my better half a hand, if I want to enjoy my garden this summer.