Friday, August 28, 2009

Today's Discoveries

Today I discovered Frangela and friended them on Facebook. They are the first self-identified Afro-Saxons that I have met, although I suspect I have been friends with other Afro-Saxons that were in the closet. I tried to friend Oprah and Gayle King, but I don't think they are on Facebook. I wish Mo'Nique was on Facebook, because she would be a lot of fun to friend. Also Tyler Perry.
On a separate but not entirely unrelated subject (things that make you feel good), I just came upon a recipe for bacon flavored vodka. The deal is you cook the bacon until crisp, soak the bacon in the vodka for 48 hours, strain and drink. I am not sure that I would like it, although I would agree that bacon makes almost anything better.
I have been craving a whiskey sour for days now. I
kinda want to save that for a special drink in the autumn. I have a middle and out ear infection and it is 5:15. Cocktail time. Join me.

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