Tuesday, June 26, 2012


If I had a classroom I would have snapped this fellow up

Ladies Taylor? Ouch!

This is what I am naming my next dog.
So Blogger has "improved" the interface for my blog and so I am in learning mode all over again.  Swell.  That I discovered when I went to Brimfield and went to post pictures with comments.  My daughter has been suggesting I switch to Tumbler for years, and I might.  Moving text and pictures used to be a snap.  Now, not so much.  Well here are a few more pictures from Brimfield.  Enjoy!

I have a box in the basement marked CIRCUS and my kids think I am crazy because of it, but this would go in that box.

Bought a trio, cup, saucer, and cake plate from this vendor.  When I mentioned my love of tea, she said in her proper British accent, "Would you like a cup?  I just put the pot on."  Loved it.

Would love to see these on my deck, but it is currently being torn up to be replaced.  Hear the hammering?

This seemed liked a great deal.

In honor of Her Majesty's 60th I should have bought at least one.
Snapped those up.

There was a lot of furniture and accessories painted in flat paint, drab tones.  Looked fabulous.

An old set dolled up.  Loved the branches that had little glass vases wired on with hydragena.  Lovely

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