Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow

Tile ants/sugar ants. Ants by any other name would still be a pain. Research from
http://www.getridofthings.com/get-rid-of-sugar-ants.htm suggests putting out cloves or bay leaves to keep them away. Certainly worth a try. Every year about this time the ants return, dry me crazy for about 3 weeks, and then, as quickly as they came, disappear. When my beautiful daughter was small, she came to me and asked for some bread and a bowl of water. When queried why, she replied "There is an ant at the back door and I think it must be hungry." I reminded her of that yesterday and commented that it was probably she that started the ant problem. "Yeah, that's right considering our house is like 70 years old." She is always one with a snappy retort.

I work on a pretty sweet street, Greenwich Avenue. It is crowded with posh shops and elegant eateries. My office is housed in what once was the first high school in the town. The building has lots of interesting architectural details, with egg and dart moldings and large, imposing stairways. I actually can't complain as my office has a water view. This, of course, disregards the 1950s faux paneling that covers walls in the conference room and the rabbit warren corridors which lead to my door. But today I will leave all this behind for awhile. The beginning of summer vacation...for Jury Duty. Yes. The Summons dictated that present myself on 6/25/09. Did they check the school calender? I am hoping fervently that I check their web site tonight and find out that they really don't need me. Okay. Everybody send positive vibes in that direction. But if I do have to show up, I think that I will choose to believe that a moment of serendipity has taken place.

Speaking of serendipity, when taking under consideration the notion of a blog, I thought that if I undertook it, I would want it to be fresh and not just copied from prominent sites. So I get in the car this morning and tune to XM156 for the Gayle King show. The thought occurs to me that Gayle is always current and fresh and maybe I may get some ideas from my blog from her. I had to laugh when Oprah comes on and announces that she finally has convinced Galye to take 2 weeks off and so for the next 12 days the programs will be repeats. What is the universe saying to me? Okay, so you want to be fresh, then be it and don't think you will use Gayle as a generator.

On Wednesdays I often go to http://www.freewillastrology.com/ to see what Rob Brezsney has to say to me. This week's prediction makes it seem that I am going to be pretty busy clearing up karmic debt, replacing bad habits with good, and removing reasons why I can't do more of what I love. I thought I was going to be on vacation Rob!

Sending positive thoughts your way for today. Ciao.

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