Friday, August 21, 2009

The Night Visitor

Every night this week when we were eating dinner out on our deck, we have had a visitor. This little cutie is young and very light through the hips, which makes me worry that he is a stray. Last night we were concerned that we would not have enough fish scraps to feed him from dinner, so we picked up a can of crab meat at The Christmas Tree Store. This store sells everything from crackers to crab, rulers to rugs, and all at a deep discount. My husband opened the can, put the crab on the plate and brought it out to the deck. We did not expect the reaction we received. Kitty smelled it multiple times, but would take even the tiniest bite. At about the same time another friend showed up. When it was apparent that kitty would not be eating the crab, we offered it to the seagull. It was an interesting tableau, as the kitty was on the deck and a few feet away was the seagull, eating the crab. The kitty could not have cared less about the seagull, and was much more interested in getting petted and scratched. It took a scavenger to eat the crab, which is a warning for future purchases.

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